Emmanuel Baptist Church is a bilingual/bicultural body of believers committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our community, our two nations, and the world. We are a caring, loving fellowship where people find healing and love in Jesus Christ.
Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel es bilinge y bicultural compuesto de creyentes comprometidos a compartir las buenas nuevas de JesuCristo con nuestra comunidad, nuestros dos pases, y el mundo. Tenemos compaerismo de bondad y amor donde la gente sana y encuentra amor en JesuCristo.
Love God through worship
Love people by meeting needs
Lead people to Christ
Amando al prjimo
Alcanzando a otros con el evangelio
Ayudando a los creyentes a practicar su fe
Animndonos en compaerismo multicultural
You can tell by our name that we are not like other churches in Phoenix. We have a desire to touch the Phoenix valley with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and with the power of His Spirit.