Are you searching for a church home?
A place to put your faith into action?
Join us at St. Trinity Lutheran Church
We at St. Trinity extend to you the hand of friendship. We would consider it a privilege to be a source of spiritual growth and nourishment for you. Our congregation is small in numbers, but large in heart. We are large enough to provide a variety of programs yet we are small enough to be able to care for each person.
You will find that St. Trinity is a warm, welcoming church. You can expect to meet many new friends and build wonderful friendships.
We welcome you, and invite you to join us in worship, the study of God's Word, and in fellowship.
We will grow our personal relationship with Christ and others through studying Scripture as individuals, families, and groups. As we live His Word with praise, thanksgiving, and forgiveness in our hearts, we will train ourselves and teach others to seek His will through daily prayer and obedience. As His disciples we will model Christ's love by proclaiming at home and abroad His good news, reaching out and meeting the needs of all people where they exist.
Where there is no vision, the people will perish. (Proverbs 29:18a)