WELCOME to Tree of Life Christian Fellowship
Pastor Brent Nicola
Sunday School starts at 9:00, and Worship Service is at 10:00
Jesus Christ is our Lord!
We are a small community church in Whetstone, Arizona. We worship Jesus Christ as Lord, and we follow His command to love the Lord and each other. Our church is about people meeting together in love - in relationship with God and each other.
You are important to us, so please visit and worship with us. Tree of Life Christian Fellowship is a body of believers who enjoy a relaxed environment where we worship and enjoy each other and the Lord, Jesus Christ. We encourage you to get involved, stick around, and get to know us as we get to know you. We want everyone to feel needed and wanted, part of the local Body of Christ.
The Annointed Bull Session meets at 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month at Sunny's in Huachuca City. This is a fellowship for all men, young or old.
Girl Talk Luncheons are at 11:30 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of each month. Check the calendar of events. All women and teens are welcome!
SITE LINKS (click on any of them):
About Tree of Life - History and Congregation
How to Know Jesus
If you have suggestions or changes you would like to see on this web site, e-mail Steve Smith at smith1279@gmail.com or Jim Hawk at james521205@aol.com.