Jackrabbit Fabrication is a full service turnkey pipe welding, mobile welding, structural welding and steel fabrication contractor. With our corporate office located in the Tucson, Arizona area, we’re able to service the power generation, mining, refinery, geo thermal, natural gas, oil, thermal solar, chemical facility, and commercial construction, all across the southwestern United States. Our Arizona welding, steel fabrication facility and on-site services allow our clients to sub-contract us for a top notch steel fabricator for all steel fabrication and installation projects, from start to finish. Safety is our main priority in every scenario. Whether it’s MSHA on a mine site or OSHA in a power plant, we work extra hard to maintain our accident free safety record. Each welder and craftsman working in an Arizona welding environment understands the importance of wearing good welder personal protective equipment. Our supporting steel fabricator and mobile welding team along with safety management, enforces our safety culture on every project. Our quality is the pride of everything we do. Jackrabbit Fabrication LLC permits only the most experienced journeyman to perform critical piping and structural weldments. With dedicated field superintendents on mobile welding crews, general foremans, and facility management teams, we’re able to produce top quality in streamline fashion. All of our steel fabricator personnel adhere to the most stringent of code standards, and document all activities for producing code compliant turnover packages. If you’re looking to have API, ASME, D1.1 or AWWA code work, you’ll have every element of necessary documentation provided by our quality management team. We have AWS CWI inspectors available for all of our welding and fabrication projects. We inspect each and every quality aspect of each and every steel fabricator. Jackrabbit Fabrication adheres to all industry standard practices for GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, MCAW, and GMAW. Each code welder on staff is certified to weld within the process(es) each welder qualified for. We handle all types of base metal fabrications from A105 carbon pipe through Alloy P91. We track all production and document weldments in accordance to the code. Our team monitors the welding process and coordinates NDE activities for required documentation percentage. Non Destructive Examination (NDE) we generally procure, is based on the requirements set forth by the code and engineering design plans. These forms of NDE can be ultrasound testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MT), dye penetrant testing (PT), radiography testing (RT), phased array ultrasound testing (PAUT), to name a few. Each Jackrabbit Fabrication welder will go the extra mile to deliver a quality product. Our client’s can depend on our steel fabrication for decades. Passivation of stainless steel weldments and piping systems are routinely handled by our passivation technicians. From our Arizona welding facility outside Tucson, Arizona, we dispatch and mobilize road crews and mobile welding crews to cover and assist with new construction of all types of industrial infrastructures and heavy construction sites. We also address our client’s needs for an experienced welder or mobile welding team of Arizona welding professionals for power plant outages, refinery turnarounds, production plant shutdowns, and industrial facility maintenance in Utah, New Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, Colorado, and right here at home in Arizona. Our team of highly dedicated steel fabrication professionals will meet with our client to develop a schedule timeline of activities and milestones to make sure your project is delivered on-time and within budget. We have developed a deeply rooted relationship with our material vendors and steel fabrication suppliers. By having developed the relationship we cultivated, we are able to get preferential treatment when supplies run low. Jackrabbit Fabrication is a supplier of all types of metal shapes, plates, and piping of all different base material. We package and freight deliver all materials on same or next day shipping. Our shipping process is absolutely the best. We take the most care in packaging our products for shipping. Every part that leaves the facility will be wrapped tight to prevent excess moisture, water, road debris, and contaminants from being exposed to your fabrication. Providing the top tier welder, on top notch mobile welding teams, and excellent management of resources, is why the Jackrabbit steel fabrication crew is one of the best Arizona welding options for you and your organization. Jackrabbit Fabrication LLC 34956 E Davis Ranch Rd Marana, AZ 85658 (520) 330-4609