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Alcoholism & Addiction Assistance Association (5A)
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Alcoholism & Addiction Assistance Association (5A) Alcoholism & Addiction Assistance Association (5A)
Address4430 N 23rd Ave Phoenix, Az 85015
Phone+1 (602) 266-7527

Hope House and Craig Shell’s The New Solution are transitional living centers for recovering adult addicts and alcoholics. Our clients are those who are willing to recover by working the 12-step program of their choice. These well-established sober residential settings provide a safe proving ground. They give clients the ability to practice independent living skills while incorporating the 12-steps into their lives for long-term sobriety. Our policies ensure that the clients who live here are working a 12-step program in its entirety. If you think that 5A might be the right place for you, the critical question to ask yourself is: "AM I WILLING TO GO TO ANY LENGTHS TO STAY SOBER?" If you know that you will do anything it takes to maintain your sobriety, then we’d love to talk with you. Our passion is your success, and we have the proven track record of helping people claim your victory.
