Ballooning the way it should be! Fun and non-crowded!
Personalized Balloon Tours for Couples, Friends and Family
"Fly With Captain Bob"
Experience the thrill that you can only get aboard a hot air balloon. No visit to Arizona is complete, no birthday or anniversary is done without a ride in a hot air balloon over the Phoenix metro area.
Take a nature walk in the sky aboard one of our smaller spacious hot air balloons. No over crowding, no large capacity balloons, just you, your friends and family and the Pilot to share this magical experience with.
You will watch as the balloon is inflated and prepared for flight. We will even let you get "hands on" as part of the crew if you would like. After about hour aloft, floating gently over the N. Phoenix desert and foothills, settle into a cozy desert hide away. While the crew pack your balloon, your Pilot will entertain you with balloon history and trivia, present you with a "First Flight Certificate" and toast your flight completion in a traditional manner.
Call us today andreserve your personalized balloon tour.
Mention this coupon whenmaking your flight reservationand recieve 10% discount off the total price of your flight. Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. Offer Valid until May 26, 2010
Seasonal time schedules apply. Morning flights just after sunrise year round. Afternoon sunset flight November to March. Call for exact times. Please allow 3 hours for your total experience. All flights are weather permitting. We are fully FAA licensed and fully insured. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone not qualified to fly in a hot air balloon for any reason.
Personalized Balloon Tour for 2 $525.00