Please browse the portfolio to view some of my most recent work.
Notice the distinctive and elegant accessories that tastefully accent each room. Know that all of these are personally selected by Jane and most cannot be found at any other store in the valley. Equally amazing is that the prices are more affordable than what you would find at those large, impersonal franchise stores. Jane specializes in lamps, tables, mirrors, wall art and other accessories tailored to your taste. After all, she is your interior designer.
Use this site's photos to get ideas for your home and specifically select furniture, accessories and styles that suit your tastes.
* We have just added the American Dream Financing plan to our list of payment options. You can choose the financing plan that is most convenient to you - up to one year same as cash! Come in and let us answer all your questions.
Since 1973, we have provided the Phoenix area with quality patio furniture and outdoor accessories at affordable prices. From cushions to patio umbrellas, we proudly carry all of the top brands.