CTS Office Supply exists as a
source for office equipment,
office products and service. Our
goal is to be a single source for
everything in the modern office
from copiers, printers and
facsimile equipment to paper
Our business hours are
Monday thru Friday from
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are closed major holidays.
NEED TONER?We offer competitive
pricing on all toner.
They're out there. Those anonymous callers that tell you the price of your
supplies, like toner and ink, are going up and now is the time to buy in at a
special price!! Don't get scammed!! These people, known as Toner
Pirates, will say they're from CTS and that their deal is the best thing going
but only for a limited time. The prices they charge are easily 2-4 times
higher than regular retail prices. When in doubt, hang up. If they're
legitimate, they'll call back, if not you've probably saved youself, and your
company a lot of grief.
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Check out the website for details:http://www.mountainaircabins.com/cedarcabin.html