2509 W. Zinnia Avenue Tucson, Arizona 85705 520.887.7131
What does Kennel Comforl Pet Motel offer that other kennels don't?
Deluxe indoor/outdoor cattery
Different size runs for different size dogs gives dogs more exercise
Special rates for long-term boarders
10% discount to military and senior citizens (65 and older)
Pickup and delivery, including airport! (not available holidays/weekends- minimum 24 hour notice required)
Excellent grooming services for boarders and by appointment!
We encourage you to inspect our facilities anytime during business hours- visit and compare!
Hours Open to the Public:
Monday thru Friday- 7:00AM to 6:00PM
Saturday- 7:00AM to 12:00PM
Sunday- 3:00PM to 6:00PM
PLEASE NOTE: Holiday hours vary, please call to confirm days and times.