St. Bede's is a Christian community that emphasizes the authority of Scripture, reverent, Biblically informed worship, and fellowship that is caring, supportive and challenging. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, authoritative in matters of faith and morals, and we interpret the Bible in light of the historic teachings of the Church; 'what has always, everywhere, and by all been believed'. In addition to the teaching and study of the Word of God, we place great value on the celebration of the sacraments ordained by Jesus to be both a memorial and a means of grace to His people. All are welcome to attend our services, and we invite all baptized Christians to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion with us.
Currently, we are planning for Christmas. Our Lessons & Carols service will be Saturday, December 11th, a 4 PM. Please join us.
November 1 - Holy Communion, Feast of All Saint's (4:30 PM) (this is a Monday)
November 21 - Holy Communion, Bible Study
November 24 - Thanksgiving Eve Services (4:00 PM) (this is a Wednesday)
December 11 - Lessons & Carols (3:00 PM) (this is a Saturday)
Worship services begin at 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion and Morning Prayer are celebrated on alternating weeks. Our weekly Bible study is held on Sunday's at 11:00 A.M., after a time of fellowship in the parish hall. During the next few months, we will be going through the Nicene Crred and early history of the church. All are welcome to attend!
Below is the St. Bede's guest book. Please feel free to add you own comments, or just review those of others. Prayer requests are welcome, and will be honored.