Believing in Jesus - Belonging to Jesus - Becoming like Jesus
This website is a ministry to fellow believers and to those
searching for answers. Here you will find news and resources
to aide in your walk with Jesus.
We are a family of believers in Jesus Christ, committed to
following Him and sharing His love with the world. Please join
us as we worship our Lord and Savior.
Superstition Foothills Baptist Church is nestled
in the shadows of the majestic Superstition
Mountains in Gold Canyon. But it received its
birth in a valley. As more people began to move
into the far East Valley in the 1990's, Queen
Valley Baptist Church had a vision to start a
church in Gold Canyon. In February 1994,
Superstition Foothills Fellowship began meeting
in the card room of the Gold Canyon R.V. Resort
on East Highway 60. Pastor George and Florence
Webb were called to lead the work in March.
Through their labor of love and service to the
community, the fledgling congregation soon outgrew
the card room and had to meet in the adjacent ball
room of the resort. more