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We don’t like it when others do that to us, so we won’t do it to you. We will send you special email offers on occasion when we new products, meal deals, special announcements or coupons to offer.
Welcome to Top Shelf Mexican Food & Cantina!
Friends of the Cantina!
Tell a Friend! We'll give you a coupon for $3.00 off a cheese crisp next time you come in to our restaurant! Just click on the link to the left and send a quick e-mail.
Made Fresh Daily!
Our family has been proudly serving fresh, made from scratch Mexican food since 1976 in the Valley of the Sun! With three locations including Mesa, Phoenix, and Peoria, we are sure to have a restaurant near you, so stop in soon to experience the authentic homemade recipes that have made Top Shelf Mexican Cantina a Valley favorite.
Homemade and handrolled tacos and enchiladas.
All salsas, enchilada, and green chile sauces made fresh daily!
All meats are lean cuts and slow cooked for hours!
A Light & Healthy menu is available using Canola Oil which meets the Scottsdale Healthcare Savours Nutritional Standards.
Our cheese is a blend of Wisconsin Cheddar and Monterey Jack
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Branches and additional offices:
(623) 561-005021910 N 83rd Ave Peoria, AZ 85383-1850
Best breakfast, brunch & lunch restaurant in Scottsdale! Serving breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, including our heart smart menu! Enjoy our fresh, healthy, made from scratch food! Come on in today!
6149 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 USA
Best breakfast, brunch & lunch restaurant in Scottsdale! Serving breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, including our heart smart menu! Enjoy our fresh, healthy, made from scratch food! Come on in today!
Best breakfast, brunch & lunch restaurant in Mesa! Serving breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, including our heart smart menu! Enjoy our fresh, healthy, made from scratch food! Come on in today!
Best breakfast, brunch & lunch restaurant in Mesa! Serving breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, including our heart smart menu! Enjoy our fresh, healthy, made from scratch food! Come on in today!
Best breakfast, brunch & lunch restaurant in Gilbert! Serving breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, including our heart smart menu! Enjoy our fresh, healthy, made from scratch food! Come on in today!