Church service is held at 10 AM each Sunday morning
Our current series "Open Allegiance" started August 1st. James' tender heart comes out time and again for those struggling with trials and poverty. He comes off harsh, in contrast, to those who play and refuse to flesh out their faith by listening and DOING what God says and what pleases Him. So the overall theme of this precious and confusing letter encourages us to be open about our love for Jesus. Maturing in our faith shows the world that we are allegiant to Him. Pretending to have faith only causes our faith to die - and what good is it then?
A Real Community Church for You
Looking to connect with people who share a passion for loving God and others? Do you associate "church" with words like "boring," "stuffy" and "predictable"? Come and discover a community committed to extending the love of Jesus to a broken world in a fresh and relevant way. At Gold Canyon Community Church you will find the worship service is a contemporary style, with drums, guitar, bass, and rock and roll. We realize that if we want to be culturally relevant to the community we're trying to reach, we can't allow the experience in church to be below-par compared to what people experience in the rest of their lives. Join us Sundays or contact us at:
Mailing Address:Gold Canyon Community Church5301 S. Superstition Mountain Dr.
5810 S. Alameda Rd.
Gold Canyon, AZ 85118(corner of Kings Ranch Rd. & Alameda Rd.)
Sun Valley first opened its doors in 1990 with a heart to reach people in Arizona who nobody was reaching with the good news that God loves us and that Jesus has provided the way for us to be restored